Friday, June 5, 2015

sacrifice brings forth the blessings of Heaven....

hello lovelies.

well if you didn't know I'm back to the blog-o-sphere.

So funny story for the day...aka: why Katy should ALWAYS double check no, no ,no TRIPLE CHECK things.
We had plans to go the the new play at BYU based of Shannon Hale's "Princess Academy" called, "Princess Academy" (shocker.)

 and you know I am all psyched up and ready to spend time with my favorite girls (my sisters of course) and everything was just jolly until....

until we are driving towards Provo Canyon and I decide to check the tickets one more time,

Me: "Uh, what day is today?"

Megan: "Friday"

Me: "No, like date."

Megan "the 5th."


We actually had tickets for NEXT friday... good thing we noticed right then, anyways we still headed down to campus to meet up with our lovely friend Sharissa and she being so understanding still loves me, and we decided to go to the Art Museum instead, and BOY am I glad we went there was a neat exhibit about the early Pioneer Saints by C.C.A Christensen that I grew to love in an instant.

Look at these:

(all of these pictures come from pinterest and wikipedia)

so maybe it doesn't look like much just these few, but the exhibit was a story-line of the Early Saints, their trials, their suffering, every sacrifice they passed through. Isn't it glorious?
there was a lovely quote by Jospeh F. Smith that I wish to share:

"This is no day for trembling or fear; it is not a day for doubt or misgiving; God has demonstrated His power and superior wisdom in so many ways and at so many times, during the history of this people, in delivering them from the grasp of their enemies, that for us now to doubt Him...would be an indignity to our Great Preserver, an insult to God."

Wow. Read it again. Do it, take it in. 

God has always shown His power to us to deliver His people. He loves us and through our sacrifices He gives us the blessings we need, we need not doubt or fear. 

I'm grateful for silly mistakes, even though "Princess Academy" would've been awesome, going down to BYU for a different purpose might just have been the right one.

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