Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Power of Heaven

This morning I went on a lovely trip to the Provo Temple with my sister.
On the way we decided to pull out "The Doctrine and Covenants" CD from Seminary that was in the car.
 As we drove along this beautiful song came on:

(Strength Beyond  My Own)

As it played it reminded me of the power that comes through the Temple, The House of the Lord. An Endowment Session is something that I really needed today, to draw closer to my Heavenly Father and His Son while there. 
"In the refuge of the Temple, I find strength beyond my own. I can feel the power of Heaven as I stand on Holy ground and the Spirit whispers what I want to learn. Eyes are touched with understanding, I can see beyond this world, it's the place I reach for Heaven, and it reaches in return."
If you are ever in need of the "power of Heaven," go to the Temple. It truly is a refuge. It will bring you the peace and comfort, the power and enlightenment that you need.

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