Saturday, March 9, 2013

a series of unfortunate events

it all started yesterday.
I received a text from a girl in my ward asking me to take her place to perform at a stake dance.
Not wanting to I asked that she try a few others and if no one else could I would.
Well I thought it was over but, this afternoon I was called by the Stake so I was stuck.
I went through my day and had a good time at BYU looking at housing, got back to find out
my best friend and I probably won't be rooming together (tear)
Tonight, I headed over to a friend's house to hang out before I was supposed to go to the Stake Dance.
While in the middle of making Muddie Buddies one friend dropped a glass bowl in which it broke and a projectile flew towards a vein in my hand. Woot. Now I am only typing with one hand,
It has been quite eventful 24 hours.

1 comment:

  1. AAAH. Katy. You said you hurt your hand. You didn't say you were stabbed! Ouchy!
